
References - Books and other media

Below is a growing list of books, media and articles on humanitarian design. 

Humanitarian design books

Design for Fragility: 13 Stories of Humanitarian Architects (2022)
Humanitarian Architecture: 15 stories of architects working after disaster (2014)
Esther Charlesworth AM

Cities on a finite planet (2016)
Sheridan Bartlett and David Satterthwaite 

Design with the other 90% cities (2011)
Cynthia E. Smith

Shelter after Disaster (2015)
ICRC Societies 

Design Like You Give A Damn 1 (2006) 
Design Like You Give A Damn 2 (2012)
Architecture for Humanity

Ground Rules in Humanitarian Design (2015)
Alice Min Soo Chun, Irene E. Brisson 

Recovery from Disaster (2015)
Ian Davis and David Alexander 

Design to Live: Everyday Inventions from a Refugee Camp (2021)
Edited by Azra Aksamija, Raafat Majzoub and Melina Philippou

Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice (2013)
Julian Agyeman

Abiding Architecture (2015)
Marie Aquilino

The Spacemaker’s Guide to Big Change (2014)
Nabeel Hamdi

Socializing Architecture: Top Down/Bottom Up
Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman

The Architecture of Change: Building a Better World (2013)

Leadership By Design: Creating an Architecture of Trust (2005)
Richard Swett

Material Change by Eve Blossom

Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century (2006)
Alex Steffen and others

With a little required reading - Anything on the Rural Studio, Christopher Alexander, Jane Jacobs and Victor Papanek | Social Impact / Public Interest designers and writers Bryan Bell, Sergio Palleroni, Liz Ogbu