The UnBathroom biodegradable cardboard toilet offers a recyclable, sanitary solution. Allowing one liner bag and cardboard seat per use, it packs flat for shipping, assembles easily, and can support up to 200 pounds (91 kg).

Dec 31, 2003

Septic tanks are often improperly maintained, leaking hazardous wastes into groundwater. However, in recent years environmental designers have developed a number of self-sustaining natural systems to safely treat waste on-site.

Dec 31, 2002

Designed by Arup, the system uses a solar-heated flue to force fresh air through the toilet cubicles and waste pits and out a vent, taking with it unpleasant odors and flies. Solid waste dries in twin composting pits for use as fertilizer.

Dec 31, 2001

The design mounts a conventional toilet seat over two chambers—one active, where waste is collected, the other passive, where waste composts while the other chamber is in use.

Dec 31, 1980

The design mounts a conventional toilet seat over two chambers—one active, where waste is collected, the other passive, where waste composts while the other chamber is in use.

Dec 31, 1980